Boxing day madness! (part deux)

by | Dec 26, 2006 | Play

Well… we made it back! We hit Best Buy, Sport Mart, The Source, HMV, Foot Locker, and Zellers. And we were home by 9:15!

This year went pretty well, nearly bought a ton of stuff that I didn’t want/need/have a place for – some of the prices on things were VERY good. Oh well… maybe next year! 🙂

Here’s a picture of the line-up at Best Buy from 3:40 a.m. today – that’s when Elliott and I arrived… We were #51 & 52 in the line, which meant that we were part of the first group into the store – which meant that we were able to get everything that we wanted to get. All in all – very successful.

BB @ 3:40

The way they had it setup, made no sense. I had to wait in a line-up inside for approx. 30-minutes to purchase an item that I had the reservation paper for (got that while waiting in line), then I went to line-up in another line by the car audio. After 20-min. in that line, I asked a sales rep. if I was in the right spot, they said that I have to drive the car around to the back to get the TV, not wait in the line. There was some serious miscommunication going on.

We finally checked out – about 2 hours after entering the store – what a disaster that was. Elliott saw a guy checking people out on the side – from one of the computers, so I went to join him. It was taking next to forever. We left that line after approx. 25-min. of not moving anywhere, to join the main line. About 1/2 way through that line, we were by the Customer Service desk, and the lady there said that we can get checked out by them. So we veer out of the main line, and we were next in line (vs. 30th or so), to find out that the guy ahead of us wanted to pay with like 3 credit cards for his stinkin’ PSP, and the other guy was complaining to the CSR about pictures he ordered, and how they’re not ready, and he wants them – but the system told him Dec. 30. The other lady – the one who told us to go into the CS line – was busy with some other shmoe.  We finally go through, out, loaded up the car with tons of bargoons, drove around to the back, go the TV, and headed off to continue to the rest of our planned stops.

Time for a nap!

David Pisarek dmpp : David Michael Pisarek Productions | Ontario Canada web design webdesign graphic design photography databases html dhtml portfolio canada loves ny canada loves new york durham college university of ontario institute of technology design programming software operating systems hardware computer sales consulting adobe photoshop macromedia flash cgi javascript lingo maxscript mysql perl homesite corel draw 3d studio max quark xpress express microsoft windows apple osx macintosh iphone linux operational excellence the crossways complex art of noise dtworx incorporated web manager web master professor ceo networking cat5 cat 5 5e webcam ftp update site development develop Thornhill Richmond Hill Oshawa Whitby GTA Greater Toronto Area Pickering Ajax North York Downsview ralph gerhardt Ralph Gerhardt design canada dmpp david toronto ontario editing loves ralph webcam york productions blog pisarek photography gerhardt gta ago rss twitter company portfolio people adobe ajax apple art audio broadcasting business canadalovesny cat cat5 ceo cgi college complex computer consulting corel corporations crossways database databases davidpisarek deployment designing developing dhtml downsview draw dtworx hrs michael bookmarks categories mac pisarek's read required durham personal cad enterprises excellence feedback news new 10rpsn annoy bit boards businesses cancel cannot cell chars clients cloud continue david's deals del digg eat entries exchange bruceadam esilverstein heartattack niche restaurant stuff facebook family wedding flag form friend work functions baseball imax ordered house humour rants ahhhhhhhhhhhh attempts blame blue crappy didn dream stats ask attacking bunch car chaotic completely crazy designmoo digs hockey madclan mins post sgsmith2001 sport sports staff strike umutm video 100gb anyways apparently bonefire clean colleges contest council emissions exhaust firehost game generate